luni, 29 noiembrie 2010

insidia - guarda dentro te

forgotten thrash act. probably also because they sang in their native language. but this shouldn't be an obstacle, should it?

in the vein of the classic bay area stuff, the Italians provide a decent slab of thrash on this album. the album was released in the period of the thrash demise, so it went into oblivion relatively fast. but IMHO it shouldn't stay that way. so, here we go.


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1. Nulla cambia
2. Si... realtào
3. Terzo millennio
4. Solo allora
5. Tutto è detto
6. Fino a che punto
7. Qual è la differenza
8. Nel silenzio
9. Mai capirò
10. Oltre quel muro

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

abysmalia - quod human est

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1. Nihil est ab Omni Parte Beatum 00:42
2. Wolves among Wolves
3. Breach of Integrity (Argumentum ad Baculum)
4. Iniquity
5. An Epitome of Emptiness
6. The Great White Throne
7. Sons of Perdition

an interesting new thrash act. i'm a little bit bothered (to be frank from start) by the melodic passages, but luckily there aren't many.

good instrumentation, quality drumming, all modern stuff is here (for better or worse). man, i really hate these melodic choruses (just bumped into one in the track i'm listening). why do they keep coming?

the riffing is sufficiently intense and varies (this is a plus, of corpse), but in this regard, they sound like the other spearheads of the new school, all intensity, fury and determination. unlike some of them, they try to touch the technical realm, and mostly, they succeed (i got an annihilatorish/anacrusis vibe, similar to the one i got from these bands in their good times...).

my guess: we'll either hear from them big, or not at all...

miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

laceration - realm of the unconscious

NWOTM by the book. with severe (in the good meaning of the term) influences from mighty bands, such as demolition hammer and vio-lence. thrash with fury, heart, balls and rage. and all other elements that make thrash the god that is.


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i know it's short, but trust me, it's intense!

Realms of the Unconscious
Self Deprivation
Shadows of Existence

for illustrative purposes: